2022 saw Netball NSW adds male divisions to its HART State Titles and this weekend saw three teams from across the Hunter Region take to the court as part of the inaugural Senior State Titles.
14 Rounds each across two days and two men's divisions saw some outstanding netball being played at Campbelltown and District Netball Association

The Hunter Region was well represented with Hunter Netball, and two Men's teams being entered into the State Titles from Kurri Kurri Netball Associations. All three Hunter teams, fought out some tough games on the court over the two days.
Day One and Hunter Netball Men took to the court for six highly contested games with some great results:
Inner West - Hunter winners 24 goals to 5
Illawarra District - Close game Hunter going down by 2 goals 8 to 10
Kurri Kurri Red - Strong win by Hunter 14 to 6
Kurri Kurri Blue - Tough local derby with Kurri taking a strong lead in second half 17 to 7
Liverpool City - Hunter took a convincing win 17 to 7
Inner West - Challenging final game for the day that got away from the Hunter 9 to 19
Day Two Hunter Netball Men were back on the courts, really great progression and improvements, strong day two results:
Inner West - Hunter strong win 15 to 10
Illawarra - after a lose in day one, Hunter took the win 15 to 14
Kurri Kurri Red - strong win by Hunter 13 to 7
Kurri Kurri Blue - a strong performance and a 3 goal league at half time, down by one at the final whistle Hunter 13 - Kurri Kurri 14
Liverpool City - strong win 21 to 6
Inner West - even at half time and at the final which down by just two goals 11 to 13
Hunter Netball had a really strong weekend of netball, with great improvement over the two days.
A big thanks to Dave and Jann Huey for your leadership of these teams over recent months and working on the refinement of their skills over the weekend,
Congratulations also goes out to the inaugural NSW HART Senior State Title Male Division 1 winners - Ku-Ring-Gai Netball Association with Randwick Netball Association as runners up for 2022!! Ku-Ring-Gai Netball Association Randwick Netball Association

Congratulations to the inaugural NSW HART Senior State Title Male Division 2 winners - Kurri Kurri (Blue) Netball Association with Inner West Netball Association as runners up for 2022!! Inner West Netball Association Kurri Kurri Netball Association / KKNA
